The eagle eared among you may have noticed that the new Featuring Sarah Cracknell single you have been hearing on the radio sounds a lot like the advert for Lloyds bank where a lot of cartoon people get on a train and go somewhere, happy with a recent deposit.
We spoke to Featuring Sarah Cracknell yesterday afternoon about several things.
These things mostly included where she keeps her money (NOTE TO TABLOID SHOWBIZ WRITERS: SHE'S SINGING THE SONG OFF A BANK ADVERT BUT SAYS SHE DOESN'T KEEP HER MONEY IN A BANK AND INSTEAD PUTS IT UNDER HER MATTRESS) and whether or not she is working with Richard X on new Saint Etienne material.
The following points are discussed.
She has an unconventional approach to her savings.
She is planning a third Saint Etienne greatest hits.
She thinks Saint Etienne's Xenomania collaboration was overlooked by the general public.
She likes Duffy and that sort of thing.
In case you do not listen to the radio much, here is what you may have been missing when it comes to Featuring Sarah's work with DJ Mark Brown on their 'The Journey Continues' single.
Click here to read our interview with Featuring Sarah Cracknell.