We forgot to mention this book when it came out a few months ago.
It's called 'Pop Babylon' and it's the latest in a series of books in which author ('author') Imogen Edwards-Jones strings together a load of bits of stuff from Top Secret Informants in different industries. There was one about hotels called Hotel Babylon. One about airlines called Air Babylon. One about Fashion called Fashion Babylon. One about the singer from Weezer called Ri(That's enough of that — Ed)
It's basically a load of rubbish full of badly mistranscribed interviews and inaccuracies with a dodgy so-called 'plot' thrown on top but some of the observations and general points are interesting enough and if you have a toilet or other receptacle for bodily waste in your abode this will look good next to it.
If you want our copy you're welcome to drop by the office today and pick it up, but phone first.