Send it to Popjustice, and we'll send you someone else's CD back.
Yes, the Popjustice Popswap thing is back after a five year (!) break. One man's tat is another man's treasure — although in the case of the new Nickelback single it's tat all the way, to be fair. Anwyay, here's your chance to offload something old, stupid, crap, amazing or ridiculous, and get a new CD in return.
1. Find an old CD single that you no longer want.
2. Put the CD single in an envelope with your name and address on a piece of paper, plus either 50p or a 48p (large letter) stamp. (Overseas readers please include a £1 coin.)
3. Address the envelope like so:
Popjustice Popswap
31 Chelsea Wharf
SW10 0QJ
4. Ta da! Chuck the envelope in a postbox and wait for your new CD to arrive.
Right, that's it. We'll collect all the CDs during February and send them all out again (to different people) at the start of March.
There you go.