Cut Copy Me

We put this on the 2013 Twenty Quid Music Prize shortlist and of course it got voted off fairly quickly by the judging panel but seriously ladies and gentlemen this is a very beautiful song.
Love Song

Came and went with very little fuss being made, but one of the year's most stylishly brilliant singles.
Blurred Lines

A song about two idiots falling about all over the place; a 'Too Drunk To Fuck' for the modern age.

Despite some overly heavyhanded "LOOK AT ME WRITING A POP HOOK" moments 'SuperLove' is a fantastically joyous romp. (The dancing robots in the video represent one of 2013's greatest pop moments.)
Loved Me Back To Life

Arguably 2013's best song about magical necrophilia.

It's got 'Guardian livebloggers will be joylessly condescending about it, but it'll be celebrated by fans of forward-thinking sparky pop and shift over 200,000 copies' written ALL OVER IT. That's all the explanation you need.

It wouldn't be an end of year singles list without at least one song that made you wonder if you were were off your tits on amazing drugs. (Popjustice does not condone the use of amazing drugs.)
Kiss You

Released at a point when One Direction still made singles that sounded like boyband singles, and accompanied by one of the most intensely GIFable music videos of the modern pop age.

Sounded like Girls Aloud. Sounded like the Spice Girls. Sounded like a Number One. Wasn't any of those three things but not to worry.
Dear Darlin'

"It was short, it was sweet. We tried."
We Can't Stop

It's a shame all The Nonsense distracted the world from how great Miley's singles were in 2013. Mind you, you don't sell almost half a million singles in the UK alone just by being 'controversial', do you?
I Feed You My Love

The best song in the 2013 Eurovision Song Contest, this dark and spooky terrorpop banger remains a thing of wonder. There's an album due in 2014.