Have a read The News ZaYn's got a book coming out on November 1. It's called Zayn. Guess what, there are lots of photos in it.
Have a read The News OneRepublic have popped the artwork and the tracklisting for their new album online An album. Some details.
Have a read The News Busted worked with Alex Metric on their new album, which is out on November 11 Drive was a good film wasn't it?
Have a read The News The Lady Gaga album features Beck, 'Father John Misty', Florence and Josh Homme At least it's not jazz.
Have a read The News Zayn's executive producing an NBC show about a boyband. It's called Boys Basically it's Vinyl but with better haircuts.
Have a read The News Kylie's recorded another duet with Robbie Williams that's "very good" There's a new album on the way at some point too...