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This is a post about a popstar called Conway
Your attention please. Promising singer Conway is an LA-via-Brooklyn popstar who used to play bass in indie bands KEEP READING IT'S ABOUT TO GET GOOD and having spent some time…
One Direction merchandise: 27 pictures and a small amount of commentary
A month or so before Christmas, we started noticing how much One Direction merchandise it was possible to buy. We started taking pictures of merchandise when we saw it. Some sort of…
Welcome back to the world of pop, Stine Bramsen
How do you look back on the mid-to-late-2000s? With a sense of warmth? An overwhelming feeling of regret? How about despair? Confusion? We look back on this period with a…
The 2014 Brits: who should win what
As is semi-traditional here is a list of this year's Brits nominations with our chosen winners clearly indicated. British Male Solo Artist David Bowie << WINNER PLEASE Jake Bugg James Blake John…
The Popjustice Pop Entity Of 2013
Who or what was the best pop thing in 2013? Was it Beyoncé for faffing around, almost losing the plot then storming back with the best album of her career?…