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7013 posts
It's the most wonderful time of year: WE LOVE YOU Q4
What's that strange sense of anticipation lingering in the autumn air? Why, at precisely 12:00am this morning, did popstars all around the world suddenly — and completely involuntarily — enter…
We sadly couldn’t travel to Birmingham to see Wretch 32 doing a Durex ‘Intimate Session’ so here are some pictures instead
As you will have noted from our AlunaGeorge review the other week we here at Popjustice are quite literally ‘in bed’ with Durex re covering their Intimate Sessions shows, and…
Someone's been down Topps Tiles
We really like this bit in the teaser clip of Britney's 'Work Bitch' video where Britney stands still and a car drives behind her. Apart from the distinct 'Say You'll…
Madonna's secretprojectrevolution film is now online
Madonna's long-teased #secretprojectrevolution video thing finally debuted last night (you can see it at the bottom of this post) and already the world's most cretinous dictators are holding up their…