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The flyer above tells you almost everything you need to know about the greatest new club/live/let's‑all-meet-up-and-have-a-nice-time night of 2014. Basically it's going to be a monthly event where we rope in…
Very promising, Island Records-signed men of music Prides (L‑R: T‑Shirt Pride, Jumper Pride, Shirt Pride) are basically Chvrches meets Bastille and they make songs like this. We're not here to discuss the…
As you know, The Saturdays have got a Greatest Hits coming out, although they are keen to point out that they are NOT SPLITTING UP. The collection is one of…
As you know, Rixton's 'Me And My Broken Heart' is a triumph of epic proportions. And as you also probably know, the Rixton member who looks like Shane Richie's son's…