Nicola Roberts stands in a bedroom.
Nicola Roberts sits down.
Nicola Roberts wears a dress.
Nicola Roberts sits down again.
Nicola Roberts wears a bra.
Nicola Roberts spins round.
Nicola Roberts raised her hand in a poorly-equipped kitchen.
A photogenic couple walks down a street.
Nicola Roberts points down.
A man with a yoyo does a thing with a yoyo.
The photogenic couple arrives at the party at Nicola's woefully underfurnished house.
The man from the photogenic couple touches Nicola Roberts and dances her in a romantic fashion.
The man with the yoyo plays with the yoyo.
Nicola Roberts stands in a shower.
Nicola Roberts dances.
Nicola Roberts' clothes get wet.
Nicola Roberts' hair gets wet.
The man from the photogenic couple kisses the lady with whom he arrived.
Nicola Roberts sees the photogenic couple kissing.
Nicola Roberts sits on some steps and has a cry.
Nicola Roberts throws some flowers at the photogenic man.
Nicola Roberts points.
Nicola Roberts kicks right off.
Nicola Roberts seems not to grasp that the photogenic couple did actually arrive together so if anyone deserves to have flowers thrown at them it's probably her really.
The man with the yoyo does some more things with his yoyo.