…'Zavvi' gift tokens.

'Zavvi', in case you have not been out and about in Britain's high streets over the last two months, is not an ointment your doctor tells you to put inside your bottom — it is the new name for Virgin Megastores, after the chain was sold off earlier this year. 'Zavvi'. It really screams 'music, DVD and general entertainment stuff', doesn't it. 'ZAVVI'.
Here's one London branch of 'Zavvi'.

It's a great logo, isn't it. Discussing this amazing new brand identity earlier this year, managing director Simon Douglas noted: “we wanted something that was
clear and simple. Zavvi will be all about making life easy for
consumers, giving them a choice on both the High Street and online, so
our logo had to reflect that". And he's right — this 'Zavvi' logo really is so much more than just some green letters on a black background. Some of them are in bold! And there's a little 'Z' dotting the 'I'!! Even though there's already a 'Z' at the start of the word!!!
Of course, with the rebrand happening in the run-up to Christmas, it was important that 'Zavvi' took advantage of this busy time to really hammer home their new identity. For this reason a 'creative marketing' agency were brought in to get things sorted. Let's see how they've been getting on.

Well — they certainly haven't been wanting to 'confuse the consumer' — ie all the display stuff inside the shop is still the old Virgin Megastore display stuff. Virgin fonts, Virgin colours, etc etc. It is almost as if 'Zavvi' have simply chucked their 'clear and simple' lime green (LIME GREEN!!!) logo above the doorway. printed up some new t‑shirts for their staff and called it a day.
Still, at least there aren't any really huge signifiers of Virgin's past ownership lazily left in store.


(HA HA HA we've just noticed they call themselves 'zavvi' instead of 'Zavvi' — very '2004'.)