Here's your first listen anywhere of 'Out Of Control (Song For Mutya)', by Groove Armada and Mutya Buena. (Mutyarmada for future reference).
What you don't really get a sense of from the 45-second clip is the way the song unfolds over the course of its four-minute duration. (The last sixty seconds are almost completely instrumental, for example, and make perfect sense.) Nor do you get some of the cute verse lyrics, like this one:
Like we said the other day, you only get about three completely standout, utterly of-their-time pop songs each year, and this is one of them.
(FYI if you head over to the band's MySpace page there are some amusing blogs from the band — the latest features the phrase "Mutya came over twice to record and both times she had battered sausage and chips" — plus a clip of their new single 'Get Down'.)