Sorry about this readers but GOOD GOD have you seen this utter piece of rubbish? It is an officially sanctioned Beatles USB stick, announced yesterday. It's got Beatles songs on it and some other bits.
It costs about £200 and is limited to 30,000 units.
This reminds us of the time we attempted to popularise the idea of muffin USB stick formats as a new way to sell music.

Except at least you could eat the muffin. And a muffin single would cost £2.29. This Beatles thing costs about two hundred pounds! Yes, we know they could put the Beatles back catalogue inside a baked potato then shove it up a cow's arse and you'd still shift 8,000 units but Christ alive, what are you supposed to do with a small plastic apple? Put it on your shelf? Oh yes that would be a good idea because it's not as if every single person who came round your house wouldn't see it and immediately recognise it for what it is: a miniature beacon of your massive stupidity. Yes put it on your shelf. It definitely won't be the first thing to be picked up and chucked out of the window by your wife when she's screaming at you about a divorce. Brilliant.