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Boring boring boring
We went to see MGMT last night and were treated to the (in some ways) impressive sight of several men taking a very listenable album and, via the magic of live musicianship, making it seem terrible.
Christ on a bike they were boring. There were several lengthy muso spag-outs and they didn't play 'Kids', one of the handful of songs they are currently using to make people think they are good.
Also one of them was wearing a gold blouse.
1. Get a drum machine
2. Sort out some sort of laser show or glitter cannon
3. Etc
One of the people we were with is a fan of Proper Music and liked the big muso spag-out at the end so if you like Proper Music maybe you too will enjoy the MGMT live experience.
For political reasons we would like to point out that last night's event, an NME-sponsored show put on in the run-up to tomorrow's NME Awards, was
otherwise extremely well organised and enjoyable.