Sad songs are all very well for curtains-closed home listening but people do tend to expect you to leave the house from time to time, don't they?
Very inconvenient.
"Put a brave face on it," they all say.
"Come out tonight! It's so-and-so's birthday! You'll have a great time."
"We're meeting for drinks in an hour then we'll go dancing."
"You should definitely come, you haven't been out in ages. Where have you been?"
"Come on, you just need to get your confidence back. A night out is just what you need."
"A few mates, a couple of drinks, and some music to take your mind off everything."
Anyway eight hours later you're alone on a dancefloor, your friends have disappeared, your clothes contain traces of three different people's sick, you've lost your phone, the lights are about to come on and you're uglycryingshoutingdancing along to this.
All in all we'd call that a pretty successful end to the night.