Darren Hayes' next single is not one which was a favourite of ours on his recent album but since everyone likes a ballad we are sure putting out 'Words' makes a lot of sense.
The plot of the video is a tricky one, but let us run you through it:
There are some playing cards. The cards go blank and then some cards have hearts on them. The two of hearts puts in an appearance but whoops — it has been torn in two. We can't put our finger on what this is meant to imply.
The four of clubs is introduced to the scenario – which we believe suggests a threesome. Finally the two of hearts is back in one piece again.
For a video in which nothing happens, we find it hard to keep up.
Here is the video for you to watch.
Darren has obviously taken a crash course in 'search engine optimization' recently. Here are his YouTube tags: