Here is 'Safe'. Does it ring any bells?
That's right — it sounds like EVERY INSPIRATIONAL MOMENT YOU HAVE EVER EXPERIENCED. How? Well, it's like on Derren Brown when he spppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp
(Sorry viewers we were typing so excitedly that the batteries literally flew out of the side of our keyboard)
Anyway, as we were saying, it's a bit like on Derren Brown when he spends days, weeks or months programming someone so that one day, when he comes along and prods them on the shoulder, it all comes flooding back and they can do something amazing like fly a kite or do the ironing with their eyes shut etc. It is as if the last eight or however many years of The X Factor, with the Inspirational Blub Tunes blasting out every time someone does something happy or sad or notable, has programmed us so that a prod from this Westlife tune makes us feel like we're THROUGH TO BOOT CAMP.
It feels good being Through To Boot Camp. It feels very good indeed.