Nobody really releases EPs any more, do they? There was a bit of a resurgence with the 4‑track CD single in the 1990s, then they disappeared a bit, and then iTunes has sort of resurrected the idea, but more just in the sense of 'more than one track, fewer tracks than ten'.
Anyway, Isabel Guzman has been keeping herself busy since we last featured her (and had a brief chat with her) last August, and releases her 'Kill The Boy' EP at some point fairly soon. It out in Sweden next week, anyway. If features four songs plus a remix and they are all completely brilliant in an electronic pop 'if you like the music of Robyn and Kylie and Rachel Stevens this is probably up your street' fashion.
This is one of them.
(Quite good.)
This is another one of them.
(Again, quite good.)
And another.
(It's a 'quite good' hat trick.)
One of the things we like about Isabel (and we like a LOT of things about Isabel) is that she manages to bounce between a handful of different genres in her music without any sense of self-consciousness or overthinking. She's got a brilliantly fluid approach to pop which manages to blend modern sounding production with a good sense of sonic style and, occasionally, a good ear for what makes dancefloors explode.
Anyway, there are more bits and bobs on Isabel's website and MySpace.