It's been a busy 24 hours in the world of promotional Simian Mobile Disco pop spoons.
1. Observing the smoking ban.

The Simian Mobile Disco spoon believes that the smoking ban is a clear attack on his basic spoonman rights.
2. Under an umberella.

Outside it's raining but inside it's wet.
3. Chilling out with a stone cherub.

This was actually a real, live cherub before the spoon arrived on the scene. Unfortunately, as per the rules of little-known Greek myths surrounding Spoonius, the cherub was immediately turned to stone by the Simian Mobile Disco spoon's complete amazingness.
4. Taking an exciting new rave direction.

"There's actually no such thing as new rave," the spoon notes. "It's just a scene the NSE invented."
5. Harder, better, faster, spoonier

Don't worry, it's spoonman after all. Of metal and plastic is made.
6. Going to bed after a hard day's work

He was kept awake until 4am by the cutlery forking loudly in the next room.
Where next for the Simian Mobile Disco promotional spoon? We hear rumours he's off to Weston Super Mare this weekend…