Well, imagine no longer, because there IS an artist called Laura Comfort and she has the answer.
It also comes with an astonishing press release. Every sentence is a winner but our favourite is the one that begins paragraph two. We know release dates are exciting but rarely do they warrant an exclamation mark. Make no mistake, this is an exciting release date.
We also like the reference to 'The Album' — as if this is somehow more
than a lower case album and is, instead, 'an Album'. Additionally, it's
always good to start off a press release with details of an artist's
qualifications. In fact why stop there? Why not include a full CV? Does
Laura Comfort have any swimming certificates or an unblemished driving
licence, and does she show a keen interest in sports and socialising?
The music's actually pretty good — most of the songs sound like demos rather than anything near a finished product but there are moments that should appeal to fans of 'Ghosts'-era Siobhan Donaghy (and anyone who isn't a fan of 'Ghosts'-era Siobhan Donaghy should frankly be put up against a wall and shot) and the whole thing is all rather charismatic and likeable. You could even say she's a Laura to herself!!! (Law unto herself.) (That's the next album title.)
Further reading:
Laura Comfort official site
Laura Comfort MySpace