Ladies and gentlemen we present to you: A SIMIAN MOBILE DISCO SPOON.
This is an item so brilliantly stupid that we have taken photographs of it in a variety of interesting locations.
1. Leaning against a small tree.

In this bonsai tree's little corner of the office it seems to be autumn. Imagine if this wasn't a bonsai tree and if the spoon itself was twenty feet tall. IMAGINE.
2. With some nectarines.

Imagine eating a nectarine with a spoon. Would life get any better?
3. On top of a copy of The Word magazine.

At last — something to stir your tea with.
4. In a bucket.

Who says spades should get all the fun?
5. Looking out over London.

This spoon could become a tourist attraction to rival the London Eye.
6. On a kitchen appliance.

We propose a toast.
7. Hiding behind Hurley

The numbers may be bad but the spoon is very good.
8. In a dog basket.

Anyone who thinks dogs are better than spoons is an idiot.
9. In front of something which seemed amusing at the time.

If there was a gang for spoons, the Simian Mobile Disco spoon would be the leader.
We hope the evidence presented to you in the above photographs will lead you to agree with us that yes, this IS the greatest promotional spoon of all time.