Yes. Sorry, we know this is all a bit 'last week' and everything but it really is a stinker. You cannot appreciate the full horror from this photograph alone but the yellow folder you see above is the sort of thing you would expect to buy in a pack of ten from Rymans, with a bit of paper stuck on it.
But that is not to say we did not learn a good deal from the folder's contents. For example: "The Time-Ball on top of Flamsteed House was first installed in 1833 at a cost of £180. It still drops daily at 13.00 and is a major tourist attraction. It was one of the world's earliest public time signals, distributing time to ships on the Thames so they could set their chronometers."
Perhaps the band got a discount on booking the venue if they mentioned a bit about Flamsteed House in their press pack. Perhaps we will never know.
Still, everyone loves a map.