In a year that has already seen Katy Perry's 'Waking Up In Vegas' in the Top 40, could this new Kid British single still, somehow, be the worst of 2009?
Five Ways In Which Five Would Have Done This Idea Better And Had A Number One With It
1. The sample would have just been the 'groove' bit of the song rather than that AND the whole bloody chorus. See 'If Ya Gettin' Down' or however they spelt it for more information.
2. Abs would have been doing the rap and would have done some brilliant 'wiggy wiggy I'm getting jiggy' stuff.
3. It wouldn't have included any boring, self-conscious social consciousness of the "ooh this is what it was like growing up in working class Britiain" variety and would instead have been about GROOVING IT down the DISCO.
4. The 'WHOOH WHOOH' but would have been chopped out of the single for being too moronic and shit.
5. The video would have had Five in it.