We have a very deep and pure love for a number of tunes by hat-bothering
RedOne protégée Mohombi.
There's a feeling of unselfconscious euphoria to a lot of his stuff. 'Dirty Situation',
that's a good one. The one about the
coconut tree is a borderline classic. And then there's the
Toto-esque 'Love In America'. 'Bumpy Ride',
that's another good song. His music is, in the most positive and
carefree way, extremely uncool. It's all very gentlemanly and good-spiritied. There are also big tunes, and that
doesn't hurt.
But we are not quite sure how to deal with his new song, 'In My Bed'. Jessica
Poptastic tweeted about it last night and, when we tweeted the
video to our own followers we received replies including:
"That's a joke, right? Surely…"
"Oh dear God. Worse than Swagger Jagger."
"Hahahahahahahah holy shit."
"Oh GOD."
"When I hear shite that bad I feel slightly less guilty about whinging
about 'music these days'…"
"It makes me want to get down on the floor… and die."
"RedOne is dead to me."
"Oh Jesus."
If you haven't yet heard 'In My Bed', we envy you. Not because we hate
the song and wish we could unhear it (it is too naff to properly
dislike, and it's sort of brilliant in just as many ways as it's
terrible), but because you still have ahead of you, within four seconds
of this YouTube video starting, the explosive combination of confusion,
joy and fury you'll feel when you realise what he has done to someone
else's song. You'll never feel that shock and excitement ever again.
Cherish every second of it. These moments in life are fleeting.
Here you go.
EDIT: Tragically, YouTube clips of this popcultural millstone keep being pulled on copyright grounds. It is very sad. If the clip above isn't working and you will still like to hear the song, maybe Google it and see if you can find a legal way of listening online somewhere.