We're not sure how frequently you will be seeing this new 'Red Blooded
Women Megamix Tuesday' feature on Popjustice — the smart money's on
'today and never again' — but Red Blooded Women, the new pop trio seemingly put together almost entirely for the benefit of people on the Popjustice messageboard (and anybody else who quite likes the idea of a screamingly 'now'-sounding girlband blowout) have sent us a megamix of various tracks from their debut album.
You can download it here.
1. Colour Me Dirty
2. Synthesizer
3. Can U See?
4. Spotlight
5. Keep Up the Attraction
6. Don't Wanna Be Lonely
7. 4 2Nite
8. Lingerie
9. You Made Your Bed
Although it's a megamix so the tracklist is really:
1. Megamix
Incidentally, what we like about the picture above is that it provides us with a useful way of giving each of the girls Spice Girls-style nicknames. From left to right: Burger Woman, Booze Woman, Fag Woman.