Only one person in Popjustice Towers finds any of this remotely interesting or hilarious but EL FACTOR X is AMAZING. We have been looking at clips of it literally all week and now it is time for you to do the same.
Let's have a look at the judges from Spain
Who invited Republica? That lot make Simon and Sharon look as scary as Hinge and
And if only Shayne Ward could have been more like this!
(That one's from 'EL FACTOR XS', meaning 'extra small'.)
Blimey, Beyonce's seen better days.
Look — it's the new Eton Road!
Sing them another song, Friki!
We could look at these clips all day, to be honest.
Even if X Factor in the UK does not change its name to EL FACTOR X we still demand that the next series includes a
Colombian week instead of anything to do with the movies, Lionel Richie or
whoever's Greatest Hits SonyBMG are pushing that particular week.