Moto Boy, the Swedish singer songwriter whose beautiful music we've written about once or twice before, sent us this amazing music box in the post today. You turn the handle and a tune comes out, and your table's surface amplifies the sound.
Someone in the office tried to find out whether the vibrations would rattle around his head if he played it inside his mouth and he reports that yes, they did just that.
The music box costs $25 is one of the two formats his single, 'A Room Without You', is released on. The other format is MP3, which costs $0. The press release from his label, Songs I Wish I Had Written, is a small work of art in its own right. It bangs on about the changing music industry, Seth Godin and his Seinfeld theory, and includes two links.
One to buy the music box:
One to buy download the MP3:
Lovely stuff.