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You cannot go wrong with a bit of Erasure, and their new album 'The Violet Flame' is all the more noteworthy due to the fact that it's been produced by Richard…
You may have read over the weekend that Jessica 'Jessie Cornish' J has sold her London home, and has bought one in LA. The good news is that none of this…
It's easy to be complacent but we would like to take this opportunity to remind all Popjustice viewers of the very real threat that a POP MONSTER could at any moment appear from nowhere…
In less than twelve months, Ariana Grande's gone from former Nickelodeon sitcom star to vaguely diverting "throwback" chanteuse circa 'Yours Truly' to the cusp of potential pop greatness with 'Problem'. All while slipping…
It's a popstar pileup. Appearing at the next Popjustice Deluxe Edition, which takes place in just under two weeks, we have: 1. Indiana 2. Amelia Lily 3. Ace Wilder 4. M.O…
You are about sixty seconds away from installing one of those dodgy SoundCloud-downloading browser extensions that everyone pretends don't exist and we most certainly do not endorse. The Knocks (whose…
Popstar-in-waiting Conway was in London a few weeks ago, playing some gigs (concerts), meeting some people and doing the various things one does when preparing to launch oneself as a…
As you well know, iamamiwhoami are releasing a new album very soon, and for this reason have been teasing information in the last few days. It's all very exciting. There's the…