Justin Timberlake's new single, 'SexyBack', is all over the web.
If you haven't heard it yet, you can download it through various fansites, messageboards, MP3 blogs and P2P networks (but only, of course, if you have the copyright holder's permission), or you can listen to the rude version — which includes the word 'motherfucker' — at Justin's MySpace page.
Here is what people on the Popjustice Talk boards have to say about the track.
"it's so crap, the worst comeback of the year. makes no sense at all."
"AMAZING. Not — So — Urban /// Not — So — Electro. It's repetitive like the good sex. It has no sense.
It's superb."
"Well, it's a bit of a mess, tuneless, but I expect to love it in no time. I'm already in love with the "Go to the chorus!" bit."
"I think I like it. It sounds a bit like a distant relative of Maneater."
"How can people enjoy this kind of rubbish?"
"It's one more piece of proof that pop is far less conservative than rock these days."
"I'm very upset because stylistically, this is far closer to what JC attempted on his debut album. No one cared, and yet here comes Justin with what will undoubtedly be a smash whereas JC's tracks were superior and got him nowhere… Pop injustice."
"It's nonsense, but hell it's good."
"Well, I quite like it."
"He doesn't look very sexy in the only promo pic they've put out."
To clear up any 'mixed messages' you may be receiving from the varied responses listed above, we feel it necessary to point out that 'SexyBack' is one of the greatest pop records of 2006.