Did you notice something in the air today? When you woke this morning, did you feel a strange sense that the world was somehow different? As you looked from your window, did you have a feeling that while civilisation looked familiar, there had been a fundamental shift in humankind's collective sense of purpose?
Allow us to explain: Popjustice is now one of Apple Music's official curators.
This is what it looks like so far:
As you can see we have invented a handful of wildly creative and original 'franchises' like Popjustice's A‑Z Of Pop (which is basically loads of amazing songs) and Fivestar Pick & Mix (which is basically, er, loads of amazing songs).
We'll be sitting alongside lots of proper brands like Vice, Burberry and XL in Apple Music's Curators section, which is quite funny.
SBTV got very excited last year when they joined Apple Music as curators and even sent out a press release. We're not going to do that but if you like you can have a look at news stories like this and this and just replace 'SBTV' with 'Popjustice' and you'll get the general idea.
To finish things off here's another link to Popjustice's page on Apple Music.