That's right viewers — we went to the Meat Loaf 'Bat Out Of Hell III: The Monster Is Loose' launch thing last night.
As ever, we had a professional photographer in tow.

Clockwise from top left:
- A stained glass window. The event took place in a sort of church.
- We believe this to be one of the greatest chandeliers of 2006. It is both attractive and functional (if the function in mind is swinging about in pop videos — it didn't give off much light) without being overly 'fussy'.
- A skull. At the time we thought it would have been funny if instead of having been strewn about for 'atmosphere', these skulls were actually present because the Meat Loaf party had inadvertently been held at the site of a mass grave. In the cold light of day, of course, we admit that if that had been the case it simply would have been very, very sad. :(
- Some pink flowers.
- Here is Meat Loaf touching a large wooden chair. He is holding a microphone because he is telling us all about his new album. On the big screen behind him they showed us all an 'EPK' (download the current PJ podcast for full explanation of this spooky music business term) about the new album. The EPK featured loads of LA rockers and producers taking the album very seriously, oblivious to the fact that Meat himself obviously finds the whole thing deeply hilarious.
- And here is Meat with Gambo. Gambo told some jokes nobody understood and recited some facts from inside his head. He and Meat were quite flirty with each other on stage. We wouldn't say that they have bummed but nor would we say that it could be completely ruled out for a future event.
Anyway, after all the Gambo business, they played the video for Meat's new single. In typical 'Bat Out Of Hell' fashion it's actually already been out before — it's only bloody Celine Dion's 'It's All Coming Back To Me Now'. Meat's Dr Who-style assistant on the song is Marion Ravn, formerly of Norwegian pop duo M2M. She is quite pretty.
We tried to follow Meat Loaf into the toilet at one point but that wasn't happening.
They also played a BRILLIANT song from the album, called — what else? — 'Blind As A Bat'. It is like the most perfect Backstreet Boys song ever and you cannot say fairer than that.
Anyway, that is what we did last night.