So this is Sam Sparro's 'Black & Gold' video. There is blackness surrounding him for a lot of it and there is also some gold stuff eg a nice goblet thing.
It's all very low budget and tastemakery, isn't it? Do you feel your tastes being made? Perhaps if/when they semi-inevitably re-release 'Black & Gold' in about eight months with a view to it going into the Top 10 they could make a video featuring other things which are black and gold. Cats are occasionally black, for example. Coins are occasionally gold.
Alternatively they could go for the 'black gold' angle, get loads of oil delivered and use Sam to recreate Christina Milian's utterly humiliating and misogytastic 'Dip It Low' video.
The possibilities are endless.
when it was out last year, we are stupid etc etc.