Answer: good. In these days of downloadable desktop wallpapers and opt-in email mailing lists signed photographs have lost some of their pop currency, so it was a nice surprise to open a package from Lea Marie a few weeks ago and discover this wonderfully old-school photograph signed 'with love' from the young singer.
Despite an accompanying press release spouting various like-grunge-never-happened statements like "in every way 15-year-old Marie's music and presentation are commercially viable" and "she would shine brightly in the current Disney/Hollywood Records juggernaut" her songs are pretty sparky if you're into that sort of thing — you can hear them at www.myspace.com/leamariemusic.
Back to the photograph, though. What do you think of the elaborate curls in the 'L'? The heart dotting the 'i'? And how about the fact that 'love' is capitalised? There's a lot to think about here, readers.