A couple of years ago Shiny Toy Guns released a very amazing album, we invented the term 'emotronica', and neither proved to be a huge success even though a) STG built up quite a bit of a live following and sold a few records and b) Robyn and Kleerup scored the first emotronic Number One.
In case you have forgotten how good Shiny Toy Guns are:
A) Amazing.
B) Amazing.
Anyway, they've been 'in the studio' recently and they are very pleased with the results. So pleased in fact that Jeremy from the band is on Line One (he's actually sent an email) because he would like to tell Popjustice viewers all about it.
Here is the news.
1. "The album is called 'Season of Posion'. I haven't told a soul that outside of management, but I think its about time to start passing the
name around."
2. "We won't speak to American press till July but England as is her nature is much more important to receive early information." Jeremy added a ':)' to this comment, which means DON'T GET YOUR KNICKERS IN A TWIST, THE AMERICANS, HE'S ONLY JOKING. (He's right though.) (No, we're joking.) (We're not.) (We are.)
3. Jeremy says that the album is "dark and sharpened".
4. By 'dark and sharpened', he means "it's as keyboard driven as it is organic but gone are the drum machines, gone are the super fluffy pop synths. Instead the record is taking more of a road of a band that merges Queens Of The Stone Age with old Skinny Puppy, dipped in Peter Schilling with a little Flash Gordon sprinkled on top. Ripping rock guitars and all toms on the drums instead of straight rock beats with 100% analog synths slicing through everything around it." (??!?)
5. Duet fans take note. "EVERYTHING is a duet at the top of all vocal range, fast moving and loaded with more percussion than the Blue Man Group."
6. "This record is made to decapitate and remove legs at the knees; but melody still rules our world. Every song could be played on an old guitar
around a campfire."