Here is some of a new Dragonette song.
Here is a link to download the entire thing.
Dragonette's debut album remains one of the best of the last decade and a few months ago we heard a very very very nearly finished version of its successor. Basically it was very listenable. We will bring you some more details in the very near future. In the meantime, here is a sleeve for 'Fixin To Thrill' for when you put it in your iTunes…

…(literally amazing) and here is an acapella in case you would like to create some sort of crazy 2006-style 'bootleg'…
…and here is the actual information the band will be sending out:
They're cool like that.
We have a new album that is about to leave the nest and, like a young son, is going off to seek his fortune. Yes ma'am, this one is a boy. Galore was a girl. Fixin To Thrill is a boy. That's a fact!
Speaking of fortune seeking, our dear Will Stapleton has gone off to seek his. He has gone to pursue his career as a solo artist, so look out for him. This means that when next the Dragon takes to the stage, you will find the towering Chris Hugget on the guitar knocking your rock-sox off. This is also a fact!
The third stone cold truth is that Dragonette is taking this show on the road and we hope you don't have to go too far to have a night out on the town that includes us.
We've done some collaborating with some cool cats, we've made some videos, commissioned some remixes from people we love, and all of this will be soon available for public consumption. So… in general the message is: "We Are Coming to Get You". This is very much a fact, so we'll see you soon.
Watch out for the commercial release of Fixin to Thrill (the single) in the last week of May, and then for Fixin to Thrill (the album) in Aug/Sept.
So there you go. Fill, as they say, your boots.