A month or two ago when we were having a minor breakdown on Twitter over the fact that nobody in 2011 had yet issued a pop video featuring mermaids — despite extreme teasing from the Lady Gaga camp — Unicorn Kid sent us a rough cut of a video which we can now reveal today. It is for a song called 'Boys Of Paradise' and it features a brief moment of mermaidism.
The video makes us quite happy on the mermaid front and the tune (also available today as a free download) is an extremely good one to blast out on a sunny autumnal morning, although we would quite like to hear it with someone singing over the top BUT THAT'S JUST US AND WE ACCEPT THAT IT ISN'T NECESSARILY UNICORN KID'S 'VISION' SO DON'T ALL START COMPLAINING ABOUT US NOT UNDERSTANDING ARTISTRY ALRIGHT?