Today's Song Of The Day is the quite incredible new Darren Hayes single and that is 'quite incredible' in the 'totally amazing' sense of things.
Despite an up and down relationship with the Top Forty, Darren Hayes is still capable – and allowed to — churn out a brilliant pop album every few years or so and his new one, 'This Delicate Thing We've Made' is probably his best to date.
It is out in August, which is practically Christmas, and this is any early heads-up on one of your future favourite albums of the year.
So as well as letting you listen to 'On The Verge Of Something Wonderful' here is another track from the new album. The single is a straightforward piece of uplifting electropop genius but 'Me, Myself & I' is a quirky 80s influenced pop track which is both similar to and every bit a good as everything Unklejam are doing at the present moment in time – and everyone loves an UnkleJam single.
Listen to 'Me Myself & I' here.
And if you didn't like this then perhaps you will prefer a picture of Darren's dog Wally instead.