An email arrived last week. "My name is Wolfette and I'm a new artist," it said. "It goes without saying that PJ is my favourite music site and as a result I wanted you to be the first to hear my newly finished tracks."
Almost identical emails may or may not have arrived in the inboxes of other musicy people too but that is not really the point. The point is that we get emails like this all the time from people sending us their new songs and they are usually shit.
Wolfette's songs are not shit. They are the opposite of shit. And as we all know the opposite of shit is amazing. In summary: Wolfette's songs are amazing. They are a bit like a cross between Ladyhawke, a little bit of Xenomania, and what we are hoping the Nicola Roberts songs will be like.
"Of course I would be delighted for you to write about me," she said in her email, "but would perhaps prefer a SoundCloud play rather than for the track to be downloaded." What a polite young lady. And here are three songs that she has indeed put on SoundCloud — 'Waiting For The Explosion' ("inspired by desire, passion and a deliciously illicit, compelling situation", Wolfette said in her email), 'Tribe' and 'That Blonde Hair'.
We think you will agree that those songs are quite literally 'not bad'.
"Hope you like my songs," Wolfo said at the end of her email. "Any feedback gratefully received."
1. We enjoyed listening to your tunes.
2. We like the sound of them and the singing bits as well. It was generally 'an enjoyable listening experience'.
3. We would quite like to put one of your songs out as a single on Popjustice Hi-Fi but only if you really want that to happen and if you would rather do it with someone else that is fine as well, all we want is for you to be happy Wolfette so if you don't want to do a single with Popjustice Hi-Fi or if you're actually already signed to someone else and this is all a bit 'smoke and mirrors' or even if someone at a label reads this and makes you a better offer than Popjustice Hi-Fi can that is fine, just go with your heart and rest assured we will support you and your tunes regardless of who gets to release them. PS We will probably have to meet up with you first just to make sure you are not mental etc.