It looks like this.

Capital letters. Three kisses. A sort of angry-looking demonic face thing with teeth. AUTOGRAPH GOLD.
Apart from featuring 'Paris Is Burning' as a Song Of The Day we haven't yet spelled out for you quite why Ladyhawke is amazing, which is a bit of an oversight as she's one of the best things about pop right now and we've been listening to her album tracks about twice a day for some time now. Seeing as 'Paris Is Burning' is out on Monday perhaps now is the right time to state, for the record, that:
A) She has numerous amazing songs called things like 'Dusk Till Dawn', 'My Delirium', 'Back Of The Van' and so on. They are v good.
B) She likes cats.
C) We saw her live a few months ago and she was frankly shocking but she has got a lot better in the intervening weeks and her live show is now so good that you'll be amazed the whole thing isn't in fact on tape. Live dates are on her MySpace — she's playing all over the place all the time (and performing three times at Glastonbury this weekend, bringing to mind the legendary 'Dragonette Triple Whammy' of 2007.)
D) All the mixes for 'Paris Is Burning' are brilliant — the Cut Copy one's a particular triumph.
E) Amazing autograph (see above).
There you go.