Here is a screengrab of something very important which has appeared 'somewhere' on the internet concerning the second Paris Hilton album.

It screams 'made by lunatics' and if it was from any other source than the official Sash! E‑Zine — which we find to be the most reliable source of online news about Sash! — we might have reason to doubt it. However, it seems realistic enough and if the next Paris Hilton single sounds anything like 'Ecuador' we'll all be very pleased.
Here is 'Ecuador'. There has been some debate over whether we should really be using 'Mysterious Times' to illustrate what a Sash!/Paris collaboration might sounds like but we have made our decision and will stick by it.
Oh sod it. Here is 'Mysterious Times' as well.
While we're on ther subject, 'Stay' is totally amazing as well.
The one about hills is alright too.
'Move Mania' hasn't aged too well though.
Why does no one make music like this anymore etc etc etc…