Here is the new Amy Winehouse video. It is for 'Back To Black'.
1. Amy's people have obviously been skimping on the budget for this one. Two reasons to think this:
a. It is in black and white, and black and white is obviously cheaper to do than colour because there are less colours.
b. Loads of it is in slow motion, meaning that they actually had to spend less time filming it, thus saving on labour costs.
2. What kind of person takes a TROMBONE to a funeral? This video sets a bad example to teenagers and is a good example of the media being responsible for the state of the country.
3. Amy walks down staircases very carefully. TOO carefully. The woman might as well get a Stannah Stairlift, the speed she's going.
4. There is a bit where you see Amy get into a car. The next shot is of her indoors, in an armchair. Then the next shot is of her getting out of a car. OBVIOUS CONTINUITY ERROR.
5. The car chase is rubbish: the cars near the back aren't even making any attempt to overtake the long black one at the front.
6. For ages it seems like she is having a frankly-over-the-top funeral for a tortoise and it is only at the end that you find out that she is burying her HEART. We are sure this looked very clever on paper but the result it disorientating and misleading for the viewer and the contents of the box should be made clearer far earlier maybe with a caption saying "Amy Winehouse is buying her heart because love has died do you see". As things are it is just confusing. That is what happens when you try to be clever.
7. That is it.
8. The video is basically quite good but a bit gloomy.