Without wishing to appear overly interested in HMV's pricing policy, how amazing is this: six of the best albums of all time for £18, all in.
The Response Of Various Age Ranges
30+: "Some of my original vinyls have worn out and my 'Very' CD box snapped, unfortunately, so making the albums available at this price point will allow me to replace certain albums cheaply. It's even cheaper than purchasing at iTunes — plus you get the high quality CD and the artwork will be worth having, too."
20–30: "I kind of missed these albums when they were originally released but this is extremely good value so I will purchase each these albums from HMV at this bargainous price — plus you get the physical product as a backup."
20 and under: "Sorry but £18 is £18 more than £0, and I'd have all the plastic bits left over once I'd put them into iTunes, so I shall torrent them thank you very much."
Amazingly* of course with every day that passes, the 20 and under agegroup creeps further and further into the other age ranges. It's the same with magazines. Entire generations growing up without any interest in physical music or magazines. It's a wave that surges through popular culture. In publishing the teen magazines go first, then the mags for those in their twenties. Before long the only people who ever remember buying a magazine will be 45 years old, leaving just Uncut and Top Gear. Then those will go, leaving The Lady as last mag standing. WHICH IS EXACTLY AS IT SHOULD BE — THE LADY IS BRILLIANT.
* Not amazingly but what can you do (answer: nothing)