Inspirational rolemodel Ke$ha has revealed details of her forthcoming work of children's literature. The book will be entitled 'Schlumpy Lumpy Was A Clump'.
It's probably about her vagina.
Here's a passage from the book, which she shared on Twitter earlier today:
"a brown fuggles sweater covered my bod.when,i, in the studio,thought a great thought. the schlump down in schlumpville was out tonight… schlumping about.lumping and clumpy +turned inside out."my!" i exclaimed, with great surprise,"why,I've turned schlumpy,and lumpy" i cried."
No idea.
The 'Sleazy' star will doubtless be hoping to replicate the success of Madonna, who had a little-known stint as a singer before 'Mr Peabody's Apples' bought her international acclaim as a children's author.
Ke$ha also 'took to Twitter' to comment that the recently-leaked ropey demos 'Pretty Lady' and 'WooHoo' (not a Christina Aguilera cover) are old songs that won't be on her next album. She promised her 'Animals' "new shizzle ASAP!"